Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mmmm against Clinton?

In an article I was reading on, "Latest Iowa Poll Puts Clinton at Top of Voter Preferences" I was reading purely for bias since this is something FOX is known for. What I came across was exactly what was expected. Although the headline stated good news about Clinton, there was a slight slant in the story against her.

These little jabs aren't much, but they are noticeable to me now due to our studies in class. When Hilary got in a heated debate with Randal Rolph.

Their exchanged grew heated as he insisted the bill would authorize combat. Clinton snapped back, her voice rising, "I'm sorry, sir, it does not."

I am sure her voice was not the only voice that was rising in this debate. There were a number of other small instances that poked at Hilary somewhat. I understand that this is a right sided news organizations, but it really makes me think how unfair these stations are for being slightly to the left or slightly to the right

They are founded by conglomorates, this I understand, but it just can really make someone think. I am so thankful to be a journalism student so I know these tricks and understand these organizations and what their goals are.,2933,299977,00.html

1 comment:

Writing Prof said...

Interesting example. Did the Fox journalist comment on how Clinton responded? Did they make a big deal of it? That would be even worse . . . .